Tier1fx News


How do I remove a price marker line?

Double click on it to select it, then right click and choose ‘Remove‘ from the drop down menu or simply press the Delete key on your keyboard.

How can I set a maximum slippage to my Stop Loss order?

This is not allowed as a Stop Loss order is an unconditional order and is filled whatever the price may be.

Is it possible not to use the PIN feature?

Yes, however you will have to register one or more static IP addresses that you are connecting from. To do so, please send an email request to , providing your Client ID and the Static IP address(es) you want to register. The request must be sent from the email address registered to your Tier1FX account.

How does the PIN work?

The PIN is a 4 digit authentication code that offers better security when accessing your account. You need to type in the characters shown in the number boxes corresponding to your PIN. For example, let’s say that your PIN is 1234 and you see the following displayed: You have to type in the numbers shown in boxes … Continued