Tier1fx News


What does the error message “Old Version” mean?

This indicates that your platform did not upgrade automatically to the latest build release. You can upgrade it manually using one of two methods: Right-click on the platform icon on your desktop and select “Run as Administrator”. Starting the terminal this way should prompt the upgrade. If the issue persists, please re-download the platform from … Continued

I get the following error message: “Invalid account”/“No connection”. What does this mean?

Please ensure that you have entered your correct login details. We recommend you type them in manually rather than copying and pasting them.

I get the following error message: “Off quotes”. What does this mean?

“Off-quotes” usually indicates connectivity issues resulting in no pricing being available. Please ensure that your Internet connection is stable; a wireless Internet connection is generally more likely to cause such instability.

I get the following error message: “Trade context is busy”. What does this mean?

This usually occurs when several instructions are submitted at the same time from your terminal to our servers. Multiple mouse clicks or a hyperactive EA, for example, may be the reason. A simple restart of your platform should fix this issue.